The top 10 places to celebrate the 4th of July

Keith Bedford/The Boston Globe via Getty Images As we all know that the 4th of July is a celebration that takes a place in the History of the United state of America, it’s the american Independence day festival so every American citizen celebrate that day like it’s the last ever. However many of them are tired of the routine that comes in the exceptional day, specially for those who celebrate every year in the same places, or in there local destination only. So they wanted to have a big change on the way of the festival celebrations and choose different places for this year travel plannings. So today I’ve got for you The Top 10 places to celebrate the 4th of July, stick with me and leave me your opinion about which place deserve to be the best destination for the of July festival, and if there is a place in your mind that I didn’t mentioned, I will be happy about your opinion. Camden/Rockland, Maine From the perfect painting found in the city ...