Did you know which is the city responsible for Hosting the Mediterranean Games in The year 2021 ?

Oran, Algeria Let’s get to know together the host of the Mediterranean games 2021, Oran So today i wanted to talk about my hometown in Algeria which called Oran . The word Oran means in Tamazight (the origin people of Algeria or called the Barbarians)two lions , or two atlas lion referring to the lions that lived in the Maghreb countries , unfortunately this kinds of lions has been extend the last two lions was killed in a mountain called « the lions mountain » , but the city still reserving their two famous lions status in the city headquarters In our ride today we are going to Ride along to this city and visit the most amazing features included in Oran ,so buckle the straps and clear your mind ; Santa Cruz Fort Santa Cruz fort was Fort Santa Cruz was built between 1577 and 1604 by the Spaniards on the Pic d’Aidour above Gulf of Oran in the Mediterranean Sea A small chapel, known as the Chapel of Santa ...