Did you know which is the city responsible for Hosting the Mediterranean Games in The year 2021 ?
Oran, Algeria
Let’s get to know together the host of the Mediterranean games 2021,
So today i wanted to talk about my hometown in Algeria which
called Oran .
The word Oran means in Tamazight (the origin people of Algeria or called the Barbarians)two lions , or two atlas
lion referring to the lions that lived in the Maghreb countries ,
unfortunately this kinds of lions has been
extend the last two lions was killed in a mountain called « the lions
mountain » , but the city still reserving their two famous lions status in
the city headquarters
In our ride today we are going to Ride along to this city and
visit the most amazing features included
in Oran ,so buckle the straps and clear your mind ;
Santa Cruz Fort
Santa Cruz fort was Fort Santa Cruz was built between 1577
and 1604 by the Spaniards on the Pic d’Aidour above Gulf of Oran in the
Mediterranean Sea A small chapel,
known as the Chapel of Santa Cruz, stands
close to the fort. This chapel has been refurbished with a tower, which has a
huge statue of the Virgin Mary .
We can find Santa Cruz fort in a height of 400 meters above
the Murdjajo mountain also known as Pic
d’Aidour , from their we can probably see the whole big city of
Oran specially the second largest port in Algeria the Oran port
The Door Of Spain
Now since Oran has been invaded by the Spanish colonies in
1509, most of the city features has been built by the Spanish architects .
the Spaniards knew that the city was coveted,so they decided to construct of walls surrounding the
city and interspersed with doors .
The Doors are located in the most famous district in Oran
which is Sid El Houari ( The Dahli brothers street)
The sea front
It is considered the emblem of the city of Oran, it is the
place that anyone who knows Oran remembers when evoking the city.
The seafront is the famous artery of the city of Oran along
the historic city center from east to west, Zabana roundabout to the wall of
the fortress of the Palais Of Bey.
This view is one of the « must see » places
in oran .
The November 1st, 1954 place
The place of November 1, 1954 (ex-Place d'Armes) is
considered the historical heart of the city of Oran, it is at the crossroads of
several roads that you come from the port, the seafront and the center -city.
In its center, there is an obelisk bearing the likeness of
the Emir Abdelkader, topped by a sculpture called "The Glory" of the
French sculptor Aimé-Jules Dalou.
Surrounding the square with their colonial architecture, the
majestic historic buildings of the Town Hall and the Opera House have been
keeping watch over the square for more than a century.
Noted that a tram station is present at the level of the
The National museum « Ahmed Zabana »
The museum is situated in Sid-El-Bachir district
you will
find inside of it the glorious revolutionaries of the Algerian great revolution
against the french colonies ,
and you will find some thing and discover some
stories that I’m not going to say to you , you have to visit the city to feel
the energies of it .
The pasha mosque
The Pasha Mosque was built in 1796 during the time of Bey
Mohamed El-Kebir and by order of Sidi Baba Hassan Pasha of Algiers.
During the French invasion, the mosque is occupied by
detachments of French troops.
In 1833 by order of General Desmichel the mosque
is returned to Muslims. Later the mosque was restored by order of Napoleon III.
The mosque is a historical monument of the city of Oran.
At the entrance of the prayer room you can read the
following inscription: "O you believer, pronounce the name of God as often
as possible, and rent in the morning and evening. "
The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Oran
The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart is
now a communal library and is located in the city center of Oran, near the
place of November 1, 1954.
The architecture of the cathedral is Romano-Byzantine, an
architecture that blends perfectly into the city of Oran, and give that amazing
charm of the old architecture.
All of this you have to come to this extraordinary city and discover it all your self
Thank you so much for listening to me and taking this with me , hope I helped for knowing a new city in your cities list and why not visiting it .
See Next time...
Santa Cruz Fort

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